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'','Potsdam','NY','Threat','A faculty member at SUNY Postdam received a note, described by the school as ''racist and homophobic,'' that included threats of violence against the faculty member and his family.' '','Stanford','CA','Vandalism','Hate graffiti, including swastikas, was found at student housing units and a fraternity house.' '','Milford','CT','Leafletting','Fliers from the white nationalist group The Nationalist Movement were distributed.' Rorie, 37, pleaded not guilty to felony assault charges with hate crime enhancements for allegedly using racial slurs while beating a black man with a pipe on April 18.'

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'','Covina','CA','Assault','Louis Vasquez, a 19-year-old Latino man, was arrested and faces hate crime allegations for allegedly stabbing two black men in a shopping center parking lot.' Rio -d'\t' -ge 'df$entities whatAreHateCrimesAb out.png # now that we have the top 15 and their frequencies, make a chart as PNG MITIE/ner_stream MITIE/MITIE-models/english/ner_model.dat |\ # get the top 15 entities mentioned by SPLC data on select US hate crimes from media reports

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# method to find most frequently mentioned entities in hate crime reports

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